Thoughts for a Wholesome Fall

The first day of fall is upon us, and with that brings opportunities to assess our daily habits and recommit to practices that will enhance our lives this fall season. Fall is season that marks two extremes - summer and winter. It is naturally a season that encourages balance and centering, finding the equilibrium between intensities.

Fall is a time to ground, a time to honor the harvest, and a time to connect with the Earth. Below are several ideas to inspire you to honor this fall season.

  1. Incorporate slightly more rigorous poses into your yoga practice and activities in your daily routine. These more rigorous activities will help keep your body warm as the outside temperature begins to drop.

    • Sun salutations and moon salutations

    • Chaturanga dandasana, high to low plank

    • Anjaneyasana, crescent lunge, low lunge

    • Virabhadrasana I, II, and III, all warrior poses

    • Jog, hike, take brisk walks, swim, kayak, bike

  2. Focus on balance (tree pose, half moon), squatting, and other poses that enliven a fiery energy. Practice grounding through the root chakra, such as this sequence:

    • Tadasana, mountain pose

    • Virabhdrasana II, warrior 2

    • Trikonasa, triangle pose

    • Parivrtta Trikonasana, reverse triangle

    • Anjaneyasana, low lunge

    • Dhanurasana, bow pose

    • Apanasana, knees to chest

  3. Practice breathing patterns. Work with lengthening the exhalations to encourage settling and alternate nostril breathing to balance.

  4. Eat with the season. Apples, dates, figs, papayas, beets, carrots, okra, sweet potatoes. Avoid raw, cold foods, and tend towards eating warm, slightly cooked foods (vegetables + grains).

  5. Maintain routines. Wake up and go to sleep around the same time daily. Create a morning ritual - a cup of something hot, alone time, reading a reflection, meditation, prayer, journaling, yoga, a walk. Whatever your routine, commit to it. Reflect on the wholeness it evokes over time.

  6. Connect with the Earth. Plant fall seeds and tend to a garden, take a barefoot walk, contemplate near a tree, lay in the grass. See how you can find a sense of grounding while also being playful - notice that you can feel this sense of grounding and centering without strictly meditating or being in a yoga pose.

  7. Incorporate silence and solitude into your life regularly. 

  8. Harness creativity. Whether this is exploring new yoga poses/inversions/breathing techniques, drawing/painting, cooking/baking, cleaning, fixing something up, taking a new running route, bringing the outdoors in to prepare for the winter. Find ways to let your creativity shine.


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